Funny Joke:- Johnbull

Yes, it’s another beautiful day that the Lord has made and we will be glad and rejoice in it. Yesterday service was wow! Very vital message though because, these days, children are doing things. Remind me of Johnbull that year. Check out; Felix went to Johnbull’s house, knocked at the door, which was slightly open but, got no response. So, he knocked again. This time around, he heard a faint “come in”. Opening the door wide, he went inside. On getting inside, he saw Johnbull’s dad, sitting down on the couch, hand on jaw and in deep thought, not even bothering to look at the just entered guest. After some moment of silence;

Felix : Good afternoon Sir

Papa Johnbull : Good afternoon my son
Again silence…

Felix : Sir, I came to report one of your son

Papa Johnbull : Johnbull, abi?

Felix : Yes Sir


Felix : Sir, last two weeks, while we were on break, someone saw him taking my N10,000 lesson fees from my school bag, no one has seen him again since then

Papa Johnbull (still in the same position) : N10,000? You are even lucky sef, last week, is it not his mother N50,000 that he stole?

Felix : JESUS! N50,000

Papa Johnbull : (same position) You are shouting Jesus, three days ago is it not my N100,000 he stole?

Felix : (falling down on the rug and wailing) Ah! Why? Johnbull why? Sir, didn’t you people report him to the police?

Papa Johhbull : We did and, they arrested him

Felix : Good for him, am very sure that, after some days at the Nigeria Police station, he will surely change his ways

Papa Johnbull : (same position) They returned him back the next day

Felix : How possible is that? What happened?

Papa Johnbull : They said that, he stole their check point money.

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